Kate Holland, Sound Education Director for Cyma Technologies, has practiced the science and healing art of cyma therapy since 2006. Working to further promote the idea of sound as a healing modality, she has written manuals and provided training for numerous cyma practitioners, along with offering guidance to many at-home users in their quest for more vibrant health through the AMI Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices.

Her education has included nurses training, pranic healing, hands on healing, yoga teacher training with the techniques of two masters, Yogi Amrit Desai and Divine Mother Karunamayi, studies with High Chieftainess of the Cherokee Nation, Dhyhani Ywahoo, reflective of her own native heritage, and more than twenty years of dance as performer, teacher and choreographer. She believes that the healing arts, including sound therapy, create a vibrational medicine that can truly change world. She maintains a vibrant healing arts practice in Decatur, GA, providing the most up to date techniques in advanced sound technology coupled with ancient yoga practices and philosophy.

She is co-chair of the International Sound Therapy Association national initiative, “The Pain Free Living Campaign” to insure the creation of a pain free world through non-invasive sound healing modalities.